Saturday, June 6, 2009


Again, I've read words from my friends blog. Mostly, they talked bout friends. Sometimes, this is the reason why they wrote blogs.

FRIENDS are the most important things in life after family. We can't live without friends. Even though there's some people can survive that, but they're fucking insane. They don't really survive actually, they're dead. Because the don't have life. Because life is meaningless without friends. If you have friends, ask yourself again, How many of them are really your PURE friends? Then, how many of them are your BEST friends? I know it sounds pointless, but think again, what is the criteria to be your FRIENDS, what did they do until you called them PURE friends, why they are your BEST friends? For me, it depends on how bad you really need them to LIVE this little dangeradvanturehazardous short word called LIFE.

*p/s. categorize your friends nicely, the will change your future.